Cedar Crest College announced that the Class of 2024 will travel to Marrakech, Morocco in 2022, as part of the Carmen Twillie Ambar Sophomore Expedition program, a short-term study abroad opportunity for all sophomores funded almost entirely by the college. The location was revealed during the traditional Open Door Ceremony on Sunday, August 23.
All members of the Class of 2024, who choose to participate and are in good standing with the school, will embark on the Sophomore Expedition. The week-long trip to Marrakech will take place over spring break in 2022 with travel, lodging and meals fully funded by the college. The Sophomore Expedition is part of Cedar Crest’s mission to further internationalize the campus. In its first few years, the program has proven to be a transformative experience for students, encouraging them to consider other international study and internship opportunities in the future. Earlier this year, the Class of 2022 traveled to London, England and the Class of 2023 plans to head to Costa Rica next spring. Previous Sophomore Expeditions destinations included Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Athens, Greece.
“Through the Sophomore Expedition, our students learn about another culture, but they also learn about themselves,” said Cedar Crest College President Elizabeth Meade. “This global experience is often transformational and can open students’ eyes to possibilities they didn’t know existed.”
The trip is both academic and experiential. Marrakech was chosen for its rich history and culture, as it has long been a region of the world influenced by both the Middle East and Europe. With Arabic, French and Spanish spoken, students can use their language skills in courses based on themes of healthcare, national identity and at-risk populations. The trip offers students interaction with locals through service-learning like serving lunch in community centers, visiting schools and doing community clean-up projects.
“At Cedar Crest College, we strongly believe in the importance of global education,” said Kelly Hall, PhD, director of global initiatives at Cedar Crest. “The prospect of international travel can be daunting right now as the world continues to recover from the global health crisis. The College is committed to providing this unique international opportunity, and we are prioritizing the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and host country population. We are preparing for the Class of 2023’s trip to Costa Rica in 2021 and have measures in place to ensure safe travel, and contingency plans if we cannot travel as intended.”