B.A., Mount Holyoke College
Ph.D., University of Arizona
Courses Taught
Principles of Biology II
Conservation Biology and GIS
Case Studies in Conservation Biology Junior Colloquium
Ecology and Natural History of the American Southwest
Evolution, Ecology and Population Genetics Lab
Career Highlights
Among the career highlights of Amy Faivre, Ph.D., were taking Organization for Tropical Studies course in Costa Rica followed up by several summers of research there, and conducting research on the pollination of tropical plants in Panama in the Smithsonian Institute’s Barro Colorado Island field station. She has also found the study of the reproductive biology of rare and endangered plants in wetland habitats of Ohio and Michigan, and now in the Florida scrub with researchers at Archbold Biological Station, very rewarding
Botanical Society of America
American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Ecological Society of America
Society for the Study of Evolution
Torrey Botanical Society
Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences
Sigma Xi
Professional Advice
Ask questions, ask for help, ask your professors, peers, advisors how you need to achieve your goal, or even determine what your goal is–and then try to do it!
Why Cedar Crest?
I hope to excite and educate students on a range of topics relating to our natural world. I want to help students develop observational skills to be used both in the field and the lab and to start to ask interesting questions–as they also learn to explore and become knowledgeable about what information is available in the scientific literature.